10 Biggest Mistakes to Make at a Job Interview

Nikki Steponkus
4 min readMay 23, 2021

We all have the ideal dream job in mind, but when it comes to locking that job down, these seemingly obvious points are often overlooked and could cost you that job! Below are the top 10 things NOT to do at your interview to ensure leaving the best impression!

1. Do not dress inappropriately!

While this one might seem like a no-brainer, many people often forget to dress for the job you want! You would dress in a nice suit for an interview at a corporate office but likely wouldn’t want to wear your best suit to an interview to be a soccer coach or a fisherman. Dress for the job you WANT, and that might mean wearing workout clothes, or golf attire!

2. Do not be late!

Your punctuality at your interview will give the employer a pretty good idea of overall punctuality. If you’re late for an interview, which is pretty important, how can they trust that you’ll be on time to work every day?

3. Do not bring someone with you!

Showing up to an interview with another person is just distasteful. Even if it is just your ride, it looks like you’re dependent on other people to get through your day. Showing up alone demonstrates independence and the capability of functioning on your own which is appealing to companies!

4. Do not have a sloppy Resume!

The resume is the only thing the employer has seen before they meet you in person, so let’s make a good impression with it! It should be clean, concise, up to date, and no holes in employment!

5. Do not have wandering eyes!

Eye contact is one of the most important aspects of a job interview. A person who has eye contact while speaking or being spoken to is a person who is confident and honest. Have you ever tried having a conversation with someone whose nervous eyes were anywhere but on you?

6. Do not have lengthy responses!

Keeping your answers short, clear, concise and to the point shows the employer that you are prepared for their questions and are able to critically think on the spot. Your responses to their questions should be well thought out and conveyed in a clear way. There is nothing more exhausting than listening to a 5-minute tangent and STILL not getting the answer to the original question!

7. Do not come unprepared!

Do your research! By the time you get to your interview, you should have some background knowledge of the company you are trying to work for. You should also be ready to explain your experience and how it will relate to the company, and if you don’t have any experience, what attributes you bring to the table that will qualify you for the job you’re applying for.

8. Do not have your cellphone on.

I cannot stress this obvious point enough. Having your phone go off during an interview is extremely unprofessional! How can a company trust you with an important presentation or the safety of others when you can’t even remember to put your cellphone on vibrate. Even while waiting for your interview, an employer would much rather see a person patiently waiting and focused, than someone sitting on their phone scrolling through Instagram!

9. Do not involve your personal life!

Keeping the interview on topic by responding with appropriate answers is much more appealing to an employer than responding with a personal experience or tangent that is unrelated to the questions. They want to see not only that you can think critically and creatively, but that you can keep work and home life separate, and won’t make emotionally charged decisions.

10. Do not forget to be ready for the question of all questions!

Every interview in the history of interviews always has the one question that seems to catch people off guard. “Why would you be the best fit for this company? Why should we choose you over the other candidates?” If you don’t come prepared to knock this question out of the park, you have set yourself up for failure. Before you even apply for the job, you should know why you’re the best choice for it! How can an employer believe in you if you don’t even believe in yourself?!

The bottom line here is simple. Be professional, be prepared, and dress for success!



Nikki Steponkus